Saturday, September 10, 2016

Somewhere Out There

Somewhere out there is my other half. Somewhere out there is my dreams coming true. Somewhere out there is me who has succeeded in life. Somewhere out there is my patience slowly drifting away from me.

More importantly, somewhere out there is just me struggling and wading through life.

It's finally September and this got me into my usual cycle of deep thinking. Whether all that I'm doing currently is the best effort I've put out. I recall I have requested the boy i tutor to come for classes just before his big public elementary exam. I am aware when pushed to my limit I get cranky but nevertheless still understanding towards people. Perhaps I can be quite daft at times. But it hasn't stop me from feeling. Memories are stored and flashbacks I play in my mind. Observing others is key; that's my way of learning.

Recently I was called to be a bridesmaid to a dearest friend - my piano tutor. The wedding ceremony was splendid and funny.I help to serve tea so that the newlyweds can give it to the elders to drink, a sign of respect. The evening event was all the more splendid. I am ever so grateful to be seated together with my mother at one of the tables closest to the bride and her groom. The experience of getting ready for this event was so much of a rush. But the fruits of the effort put out was well enjoyed.

One day maybe, my time will come. I hope it will be a good man I will marry.